Linyanti Wetlands
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Linyanti Wetlands
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These are just a selection of the properties we can personally recommend. Please get in touch to hear more about our full portfolio.
DumaTau Camp is a ten-roomed luxury tented camp located in the private 125,000-hectare Linyanti Wildlife Reserve which borders the western boundary of Chobe National Park in northern Botswana.
Kwando Lagoon Camp
Kwando Lagoon Camp is perched on the banks of the Kwando River in Northern Botswana, nestled beneath towering ebony and marula trees. It is one of just two camps found within the 232,000 hectare Kwando Concession, one of the largest private wildlife concessions in Botswana.
Linyanti Bush Camp
Linyanti Bush Camp is a small, intimate 12-bedded tented camp located on the banks of the Linyanti marshes in a private reserve which borders the western boundary of Chobe National Park in the Chobe Enclave. The camp offers light, airy and tastefully furnished rooms under canvas meru-style tents.
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