Mana Pools National Park
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Mana Pools National Park
Quick Facts
Where to stay
These are just a selection of the properties we can personally recommend. Please get in touch to hear more about our full portfolio.
John’s Camp
Mana Pools National Park is situated on the banks of the mighty Zambezi River where you will find John’s Camp nestled amongst canopies of Trichelia and Mahogany trees. It is a truly natural wilderness and the only wild walking National Park in Africa.
Kanga Camp
Set in the most remote part of the World Heritage Site in Mana Pools is the Kanga Pan. It is the only known water source in the area available throughout the year, making it a hub for wildlife and a delight to explore on foot.
Zambezi Expeditions
The legendary Mana Pools is known for its wildlife rich flood plains and magnificent views of the Zambezi River. The river boasts some of Africa’s most amazing tiger fishing and adventure canoeing safaris, creating the perfect combination of beauty and fun and making this World Heritage site a must-visit national park.
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