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After recovering from many years of civil war, Mozambique opened its doors to tourism and is fast becoming the hottest beach destination in Africa. With an enviable position between Tanzania in the north, Malawi and Zambia in the northwest and South Africa to the south, Mozambique has become the perfect compliment to any African safari.

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With an enviable position between Tanzania in the north, Malawi and Zambia in the northwest and South Africa to the south, Mozambique has become the perfect compliment to any African safari.

With almost 2,500 kms of palm fringed beaches with warm turquoise Indian Ocean waters, silky white sandy beaches and spectacular coral reefs, The Bazaruto Archipelago in the south and the Quirimbas in the north both offer excellent diving, fishing and small, friendly boutique accommodation.

Away from the coast Lake Niassa lies to the west and for the safari connoisseur the recently restored Gorongosa National Park offers isolated wilderness with an incredibly diverse range of rare birds and big game.

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Quick Facts


29 million

812,379 sq km (313,661 sq miles)

Major Languages
Portuguese (official), several indigenous languages, including Makhuwa

Major religion 
Christianity, indigenous beliefs, Islam

Monetary Unit 

Flight time from London
14.5 hours via Johannesburg,

Time Difference 
GMT + 2

When to go 
Sunshine, blue skies and temperatures averaging between 24°C and 27°C along the coast are the norm, except during the rainy summer season from about December/January through to April when everything gets soggy and sticky, and temperatures exceed 30°C in some areas.

The best time to visit is from May/June to November, during the cooler dry season. During the Christmas/New Years holidays, around Easter and in August, the southern resorts fill up with the vacationing South African neighbours.

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Bazaruto Archipelago

The Archipelago consists of four main islands: Bazaruto Island, Benguerra Island, Magaruque Island and Santa Carolina Island.

The islands are covered by large sand dunes and freshwater lakes (nesting grounds for beautiful black-winged flamingoes) and to keep environmental damage to a minimum visitors can only stay in one of a handful of private lodges which offer excellent scuba diving, deep-sea fishing and sailing.

Crystal white beaches squeak beneath your feet and just offshore, in warm waist deep waters, one floats amidst coral gardens of infinite beauty and colour, examining and being examined by shoals of fish that move amongst the corals like clouds of living jewels.

Declared a National Park in 1971, the Archipelago boasts among its wildlife, 180 species of birds, endemic butterflies, suni antelope and freshwater crocodile. The protected reefs and beaches support dolphin, dugong, gamefish, giant lobster and several species of marine turtle.

All of the islands support populations of traditional fisherman and their families, many of whom are not permanent residents and may migrate between the Archipelago and the mainland in their pursuit of good fishing waters.

The Bazaruto Archipelego is the perfect beach destination to combine with any southern African safari in Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and South Africa, where there are direct flight from the Kruger National Park into Vilanculos (gateway to the archipelago).

Quirimbas Archipelago

The Quirimbas Archipelago stretches for 100 kilometres along the north Mozambique coast. These tropical islands contain some of the richest coral reefs in the world and provide habitat for an abundant array of marine life. The Quirimbas Archipelago consists of 32 tropical coral islands stretching from Pemba (the capital of Cabo Delgado Province) to the Rovuma River, which forms the natural frontier between Tanzania and Mozambique. The area has never been developed and remains an unexplored tourist paradise.

Pemba is the access point for the Quirimbas Archipelago and although more remote and less frequented than Bazaruto Archipelago, the snorkelling, fishing and diving in the surrounding water is second to none for the most of the islands feature phenomenal vertical drop-offs, some of up to 400 metres.

Marine activity aside, the Quirimbas have enormous cultural and historical value, with a combination of Arabian, Portuguese, and African influences. The magnificent old fortresses on Ibo Island boast intriguing historical and fascinating sites. With mangroves, coral and palms this island tells a story of slaves, pirates and ivory.

Bazaruto Archipelago

The Archipelago consists of four main islands: Bazaruto Island, Benguerra Island, Magaruque Island and Santa Carolina Island.

The islands are covered by large sand dunes and freshwater lakes (nesting grounds for beautiful black-winged flamingoes) and to keep environmental damage to a minimum visitors can only stay in one of a handful of private lodges which offer excellent scuba diving, deep-sea fishing and sailing.

Crystal white beaches squeak beneath your feet and just offshore, in warm waist deep waters, one floats amidst coral gardens of infinite beauty and colour, examining and being examined by shoals of fish that move amongst the corals like clouds of living jewels.

Declared a National Park in 1971, the Archipelago boasts among its wildlife, 180 species of birds, endemic butterflies, suni antelope and freshwater crocodile. The protected reefs and beaches support dolphin, dugong, gamefish, giant lobster and several species of marine turtle.

All of the islands support populations of traditional fisherman and their families, many of whom are not permanent residents and may migrate between the Archipelago and the mainland in their pursuit of good fishing waters.

The Bazaruto Archipelego is the perfect beach destination to combine with any southern African safari in Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and South Africa, where there are direct flight from the Kruger National Park into Vilanculos (gateway to the archipelago).

Quirimbas Archipelago

The Quirimbas Archipelago stretches for 100 kilometres along the north Mozambique coast. These tropical islands contain some of the richest coral reefs in the world and provide habitat for an abundant array of marine life. The Quirimbas Archipelago consists of 32 tropical coral islands stretching from Pemba (the capital of Cabo Delgado Province) to the Rovuma River, which forms the natural frontier between Tanzania and Mozambique. The area has never been developed and remains an unexplored tourist paradise.

Pemba is the access point for the Quirimbas Archipelago and although more remote and less frequented than Bazaruto Archipelago, the snorkelling, fishing and diving in the surrounding water is second to none for the most of the islands feature phenomenal vertical drop-offs, some of up to 400 metres.

Marine activity aside, the Quirimbas have enormous cultural and historical value, with a combination of Arabian, Portuguese, and African influences. The magnificent old fortresses on Ibo Island boast intriguing historical and fascinating sites. With mangroves, coral and palms this island tells a story of slaves, pirates and ivory.

Where to stay

These are just a selection of the properties we can personally recommend. Please get in touch to hear more about our full portfolio.

Azura Benguerra

Azura is Mozambique’s first luxury ‘eco’ retreat. Built entirely by hand by the local community and operated in partnership with them, this boutique resort has just 15 villas, each with their own infinity pool and designed for both pampering and barefoot escapism.

take me to Azura Benguerra

Ibo Island lodge

Located on the prime waterfront site on Ibo Island in the Quirimba’s Archipelago, three historic and magnificent mansions, each over one hundred and fifty years old, have been lovingly restored to their former glory and make up Ibo Island Lodge.

take me to Ibo Island lodge

Nuarro Lodge

Nuarro Lodge offers tropical private beaches and unspoiled bush with a unique biodiversity, where amazing hidden secrets can be found along the coastline including enchanting traditions, history & culture – the perfect ingredients for an authentic holiday experience.

take me to Nuarro Lodge

Santorini Mozambique

Overlooking the sandy beach of Kingfisher Bay, Santorini Mozambique is a luxury boutique hotel just north of Vilanculos town.

take me to Santorini Mozambique

Get in touch with us now to start planning your journey